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Condolences Messages on Death

Condolences Messages on Death
Condolences Messages on Death


23 July, 2024

Condolences Messages on Death

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Penning down the emotions on the demise of a loving friend or family member to console the other person can never be an easy task. The right words, the right format and the right emotions should be placed in a note or message.

There are several ways to express your immense grief and sympathy towards the person who is deeply affected by the loss of a loving one. Some choose a card to show their grief, some express it on the call and the rest use a message or mail for consoling people through their sympathizing words.

But the problem of picking the right words remains the same. This issue becomes more difficult when you do not know the deceased person personally. Here is the set of right words which one can use in a sympathy note, message, letter or card etc to express concern about the mental agony of bereaved family members and friends of the person who is demised.

Condolence Message to a Friend Who lost someone

Condolence message to a friend who lost someone

The condolence messages vary from one relation to another one. These messages are different for family members and friends. So for the convenience of the readers here are category-wise condolence messages for distinct relations.

  1. You can count me among those persons who are ready to be available at any time, no matter what. I am deeply saddened by your unbearable loss.
  2. I am not able to imagine the extent of your grief. I wish you all the peace and strength for coping with this pain.
  3. Being your close friend I am trying to sense your pain but it is too difficult to imagine. May the universe provide you the strength to deal with the state of uneasiness?
  4. I remember the joyful moments that you shared with your partner. Trust me his memories will never leave you alone and his positive energy will support you forever.
  5. Losing someone so close to the heart is a wound that can never be healed. My prayers are with the departed soul.
  6. As a close friend, I have seen how much you loved your mother. I will be right there whenever you need to talk or share anything. This tough time will pass soon.
  7. Souls are always inseparable. Your father’s inspiring personality and his teachings will always lead you to the right path in life. May the departed soul rest in peace.
  8. I am keeping you in my prayers during the most difficult time of your life. May the peace of the entire universe will surround you and lessen your mental agony.
  9. I have not seen your best friend ever but my heart goes out since I made myself aware of that tragic news. May you get comfort and peace while accepting this cruel reality of life.
  10. Accepting such a huge loss is not easy. You should take your time and let me be aware of the place and timing whenever you need support in dealing with immense grief and pain.

Condolence Message to a Colleague who lost someone

Condolence message to a colleague who lost someone close

Usually, colleagues are those people whom with you share a very light bond inside your working domain. So it is impossible to know the family and friends of your colleagues. For that purpose here are the right words that you can use in a note or message for paying your sincere condolences.

  1. I am expressing my grief for your unbearable loss. May the departed soul attain a new place in heaven.
  2. My deepest condolences to you and your family for the loss that can never be filled.
  3. I just heard about the loss of your loving family member. My prayers are with you and your family and friends. Please do not bother yourself with the work. Take your time and let the grief process itself.
  4. Though we do not know each other personally you can feel free to share your thoughts and feelings regarding the loss of your loved one. Please accept my sincere condolences and sympathies.
  5. I wish I can wipe out all your sadness but nobody can do this. Please take care of yourself and make me aware if you need my time and support in this most difficult phase of your life
  6. Praying for the peace and comfort of your family and friends who are deeply saddened by the loss of a loving being.
  7. Birth and death are part of life. It is time to celebrate the long journey of the departed soul by remembering him/her in your loving memories. May the soul find peace and comfort.
  8. May all the cherishing memories you have made together replace the grief and pain caused by the huge void of your loving friend.
  9. The bond you share with your loving family person will never leave you alone. My prayers, sympathy, and support are for you in this tough time.

Condolence Message to someone who Lost Their Partner

Condolence message to someone who lost partner

Saying goodbye to a partner whom with I spent several years,  is never easy. During these heart-aching moments, a person needs love, care and support through kind words. So here are those messages that you can write for a person who is dealing with unbearable pain after losing his/her love.

  1. Your husband had an inspiring personality. I met him on very few family occasions but he positively impacted my soul. May his good soul attain peace and comfort.
  2. Love can never be separable. Your wife’s love is everlasting and it will guide you in your life.
  3. I admire the loving and caring personality of your wife. The way she supported you in your professional carrier is commendable. My deepest condolences are to you and your family.
  4. The news of your husband’s demise is devastating. I am unable to process this unpleasant news. I am right there for you and sending the love and peace for you in abundance.
  5. I can understand the grief you are growing through. The loneliness is very difficult to live with. She will be missed dearly by every known person.
  6. The bond of love between you and your partner was very special. He will be in your heart and memories forever. My sincere condolences to you and I am sending you calm and comfort to confront the tough times.
  7. The spark and knowledge of your wife were unbelievable. The cherishing moments you knitted with your wife will replace all the pain after her demise. May she attain a place in the heavenly abode.
  8. I understand that it is quite difficult to live a life alone after spending it with someone very special. I am sending you all the strength and love so that you can sail through the tough phase of your life.
  9. Words are not enough to express my sorry after hearing about the loss of your husband. I know how much you loved and cared for him. I am sending love and peace to you.
  10. It is devastating to know about the sorrowful demise of your wife. My sincere prayers and thoughts are with you.

How to console a person who has lost his/her father or mother?

condolence message for mother or father

The grief of losing a parent is beyond imagination. Words can never soothe a person who is going through such kind of pain and heartache. But one can try to console a person with some selective words. You can have a glimpse of those words and get help in soothing the grieving person.

  1. I met often with your mother. She was so caring that I could not believe this unpleasant news. May your mother have a place in heaven.
  2. I want to share your sadness in this difficult time of your life. My words are not enough to console you but I am just letting you know that I care for you. Sending peace and comfort in abundance.
  3. I know a father is a pillar of his child and losing a person who is so close in your life is very disheartening. May the universe bring strength and peace to your surroundings.
  4. A loving bond with the mother is very beautiful and the breakage of this bond is devastating. But her eternal love will lead to in your life.
  5. Father always becomes a part of a child’s life. The infinite love of a father is everlasting and even death can not separate that bond. My sympathies and condolences are with you and your family.
  6. Accepting the harsh truth of your father’s death is never going to be easy. But just look at many precious moments and remind yourself that your father has raised an amazing person. Keeping you in my prayers during the difficult times of your life.
  7. I am evoking the moments when I met with your mother last time. She has a kind and jubilant persona. Her spark and kindness will live in you forever.

What you should not write in a condolence message or letter while expressing your concern and care?

The emotions of a grieving person are very vulnerable and delicate. One must keep oneself refrain from writing any word that can hurt the bereaving person. Through the above part of this article, you made yourself aware of the things that you should write but now it is also very important to learn what should not be written in a condolence message for mothers .

  1. Never force a person through your words to remain quiet after the demise of a loving person. You should never write a sentence like ” You have cried a lot, now please stop crying.”
  2. Words like ” Make a call or text whenever you are free” can also hit the vulnerable heart of the grieving person. Instead of that you can say ” make me aware whenever you need to share something.”
  3. Grief takes time in processing so forcing someone to express his or her emotion is never a good option when writing condolence or sympathy notes.
  4. One should not ask the grieving person to take a break from the daily schedule because indulgence in a regular schedule can only distract people from unbearable pain.
  5. The condolence message should not be too much longer to read because the bereaving person is not in a state of understanding many words or lengthy notes. The messages should be short and to the point.
  6. Do not impose your feelings on the person who is dealing with a lot. Keep aside your difficulties while consoling the grieving person.
  7. Never tell about your experience while consoling the bereaved family members and friends. Sentences like ” I had also faced this” will be felt like a comparison of your and their grief.
  8. One should not write things like ” talk to me and share your grief.” without even knowing their state of mind and convenience. This can hurt them badly.

Now you can pick suitable words according to your need. Writing a message is a difficult task especially when you have to express sorrow, pain and sorry for someone’s very personal loss. These messages will become soulful if you write them on handmade cards. When someone put his or her efforts into making you calm and relaxed, it affects your inner soul most effectively.

Pairing the handmade cards written with a sympathizing message or short note with a flower bouquet or picture of the departed soul can make them believe that you are truly affected by their loss. Reminding the grieving person about funny, cherishing and light moments can calm their mental agony. A unique memory of the departed person can also bring a smile to the faces of mourning family members.

These small efforts can create a huge change in the devastating atmosphere. Hope this article had helped you in an effective manner for writing a message. You can add something else also to make the pain more personal but avoid mentioning those things that can upset them or enhance their grief.

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