Lastjourney Blog
How can you use Yoga to deal with Grief

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Feeling grief is a part of fully experiencing life. It is the natural reaction to the loss of someone or something special to us. It is experienced in different degrees by each person, and hence the impact may vary. While losing someone fills our mind and spirit with grief, what we need to realize is that it also passes that sadness onto our body, and if we don’t work on ourselves, it may get stuck there.
Though there is no guidebook or a particular path to healing, the most crucial thing will be acceptance. Allow yourself to feel the grief and understand that you may have to work through it with time.
One impactful way of losing the emotional pain in our bodies is through the practice of Yoga. It is a spiritual discipline whose history dates back to thousands of years. Grief Yoga address self-care and allows one to make a connection. The sequences and poses are meant to fuel ourselves, so we open up to more love. Here are some grief yoga practices for the same –
- Child’s Pose.
Balasana pose, the child’s resting pose, is a relaxing asan in Yoga. Sit in a kneeling position on your mat and then bring the forehead to the floor. Allow your arms to relax alongside the body with palm upwards. This position helps relieve fatigue and helps with anxiety and stress.
2. Comfortable Pose.
Sukhasna, the comfortable pose, is a comparatively easy asan in Yoga. Sit on the mat in a cross-legged position. When you start inhaling, stretch your arms towards the ceiling, and when you exhale, rest your forehead on a block on the floor. This Asan has a calming effect and helps eliminate anxiety. It also allows you to make a connection as it promotes groundedness.
3. Pyramid Pose.
Parsvottanasana, the pyramid pose, is a test for one’s balance. In this intense stretch pose, you have to stand keeping your feet at least 3 feet apart, and then do a forward bend. This asan allows you to focus and concentrate and will allow you to learn about your body.
4. Head to Knee Pose.
Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose, is a good form of exercise. Sit on your mat and extend one leg with toes pointing upward. Bend your other leg with knee pointing away from the straight leg. This pose will calm your brain and relieve depression.
5. Corpse Pose.
Savasana, the corpse pose, is often used at the end of a Yoga session for relaxing. Lay on your back and separate your legs slightly wider than your hips. This asan will provide you with both physical and mental relief. It allows you to absorb and integrate the benefits of your practice.
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