Lastjourney Blog
7 Beautiful Ways to Memorialize Your Pet

Reading Time: 2 minutes
A human-pet relationship is one of the purest things that we may experience in our lives, and the loss of such a bond can be difficult. They become such a crucial part of our lives that the grief that comes with losing a pet can take a heavy toll on us. While the loss may seem unfair, the only way you can remember and honour your pet is by commemorating and celebrating their spirit.
Just like each pet is unique, there are several ways by which you may remember your pet.
Here are seven beautiful ways to memorialize your pet:
1. Hold a memorial/burial service
Invite all the people that meant that loved your pet to remember and honour the pet’s memory. You can give out speeches and talk about your fondest memories. The event can be conducted at the pet’s favourite park or your home, wherever the pet spent most of their time. One can even hire professional pet cremation services to make sure that it is a stress-free process.
2. Give something back – Make a donation
Donating in the name of your pet is a beautiful way to help other animals like them. There are many animal shelters and organizations that look after pets in need of assistance. Leave your pet’s legacy the right way!
3. Create a photobook
Well, we all love taking pictures of our pets. Their fun, love, and warmth is something that we want with us forever. To make the best use of such photos, create a photo book capturing their true essence and spirit. You can always have it at your coffee table, making sure that your pet’s life is cherished.
4. Plant a tree
Creating life from life is a beautiful way of honouring your pet. You can plant a tree at the burial spot of your pet or a garden using ashes. Just as for your pet, one can invest your time and love taking care of the plant or tree. It will always mark your beloved pet.
5. Have an item of Memorial jewellery made
You can get custom made necklaces and bracelets in the memory of your pet. It can be a paw pet, a heart, a rainbow pendant, or a small compartment containing few ashes of your pet. Your pet can stay with you forever.
6. Remember through words
Words hold a lot of power and emotions. You can write a moving obituary sharing the love for your pet and express it to friends and family at a memorial service or through social media. One can even write a poem in remembrance and get it framed as a memory.
7. If you feel ready, do it all again
Adopting a pet soon after losing one can lead you to feel as if you are replacing them. Take some time with your emotions, and once you feel ready, you can again experience love with a new family member. You will not be replacing your beloved lost pet instead sharing your love and attention with another animal.
Read Also:-14 ways to overcome Grief
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