Lastjourney Blog
Benefits of having a memorial service for your pet

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Losing a pet is just like losing a member of the family. If the pain is not dealt with healthily, it can cause persistent grief and other mental health issues. One of the integral reasons for this includes not having the opportunity to bid an appropriate goodbye by disposing of the pet’s remains with a fitting tribute. Having a funeral service for your fluffy pet will allow you to get closure as well as heal.
Here is why #PetFamilies should choose to have a memorial service for their pet:
1. Will provide a sense of closure
Those happy memories, the everyday routine, their constant presence in our lives hold a lot of value and meaning. Unfortunately, when a pet is lost it is usually sudden and something for which we are never prepared. They may get some illness-causing their health to decline eventually leading to demise. The uncertain and unpredictable nature of loss makes it, even more, hard to accept the death and move on.
Hence one of the most important reasons to conduct the memorial service for your pet is to get a sense of closure so that you can accept the loss and reflect on it.
2. Validates your feelings of grief
In most cases, the grief that is experienced by pet parents is known as disenfranchised grief. It is usually minimized and not validated by others, which can make it more difficult to process it. Worry not, as even during these times, you do have ways to express and share your grief. Many funeral services providers lend emotional as well as managerial support which will help you through the process. The pet funeral services organized by them give a comfortable space to conduct the last rites, validate your feelings, and share them with those who truly care.
3. Way to honor your pet
Another human may be there for you or not, but a pet stays through the thick and thin. They are someone who deserved to be honored, and what better way than to hold a funeral or memorial service in their memory!
The service can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. You can hold a burial service, share the memories of your pet through speeches, photographs, videos, and much more. While they may get some tears in your eyes, you will truly celebrate the life of your pet and the joy that they bought into your life.
4. Opportunity to connect with loved ones
Some pets have been in our family since they were small and hold a very important place in the lives of every family member. When a pet passes away, there is a chance your family is dispersed, and each member is feeling a unique sense of grief. The memorial service will allow everyone to come together, share, and reconnect.
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