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Death Ceremony Invitation Messages

- How do you write Hindu Death Ceremony Invitation Messages?
- 13th Day Hindu Death Ceremony Invitation Message
- 11th Day Death Ceremony Invitation
- 10th Day Death Ceremony Invitation Message
- 16th-Day Death Ceremony Invitation in English
- WhatsApp Funeral Invitation
- Burial Invitation Text Message
- Vaikunta Samaradhane Invitation
- Funeral Invitation Messages
- Pedda Karma Invitation in English
How do you write Hindu Death Ceremony Invitation Messages?
You will fulfill the religious and traditional rituals after your family member passes away. Hindus consider the 13th day of death an important day for such rituals. Hindu death ceremony invitation messages might seem to be challenging. But once you frame proper wording, it won’t be an issue. Maintain a respectful and sober tone. You might be sad and not out of shock yet, but still, while writing such messages, you must be thoughtful. There are many different ways in which you can write these messages. Also, the messages may vary depending on the kind of ceremony.
Death Ceremony Invitation
One has to keep a heavy heart while inviting guests to a person’s death ceremony. But when you have to send an invitation, framing the words properly makes a whole lot of difference. Often, due to a negative and sad mindset, writing an invitation becomes a challenge. In such situations, these ready death ceremony invitations will provide great help.
- We are sad to inform you that (deceased’s name) is no longer with us. We will all miss him. Please be present at the death ceremony invitation.
- Looking forward to seeing you.
- We have arranged a death ceremony for (deceased’s name). We want to pray for peace of the soul. Kindly be present at the event.
- Please stand beside us and attend the death ceremony of (deceased’s name) on (date and time). Your presence means a lot.
- Be with us and attend the death ceremony of the departed soul. We seek your attention to this invitation.
- We want to share our sorrow with you. Let’s pray together for the departed soul at the death ceremony (date and time).
- We know how much you respected and lodeceased’ssed’s name). Your presence will be important to us when we arrange the death ceremony.
- You are our family and friends. Please be with us during this tough time. We invite you to the death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname).
- In our tough and grieving times, you have been with us. Please attend the death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname) on (date).
- We have arranged a special function for the death ceremony of the departed soul. We will find emotional support if you are present.
- Please attend the death ceremony rituals of the departed soul. The function will be held on (date and time) at (venue).
13th Day Hindu Death Ceremony Invitation Message
When a person dies, the family must perform certain rituals for the soul to rest in peace. Among Hindus, the 13th Day death ceremony holds utmost importance.
- While we write this, we have a heavy heart. Accept our invitation and join us for the 13th-day death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname). Your presence is significant to our family, and we would be grateful if you would stand by our side.
- We invite you to the 13th-day death ceremony of (the expired person’s name), as your presence is significant to us.
- On the 13th-day death ceremony, compassionate souls like you shall come and bless us with better strength. We will be obliged to meet you on (date) in loving memory of (ddeceased’sname).
- I am writing the 13th-day death ceremony invitation with a heavy heart. Please attend the prayer meeting held on the same day.
- We invite you and your family to the 13th-day ritual for (ddeceased’sname). We hope you will be present so that we can ask God for peace and bliss together.
- We hope you are doing well. We invite you to the 13th-day death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname). Kindly be part of our pain and sorrow.
- Let’s bid farewell to the parting soul. I want to invite you to the 13th-day death ceremony.
- We have held a 13th-day death ceremony for the parting soul for healing and remembrance. Please be present for the occasion.
- We believe that the parting soul will get a blissful place in heaven. Let’s pray for the soul on the 13th day. The ceremony will be conducted on (date and time) and at (venue).
11th Day Death Ceremony Invitation
After the sad demise, the soul moves out for the next journey. The family members must observe the 11th-day ceremony and rituals. This way, the soul finds bliss and peace. In Hindus, the 11th day after death holds significance. The family performs some rituals on that day. If you are writing an invitation to invite close relatives and friends for this occasion, here’s what you must write.
- We are holding the 11th-Day death ceremony rituals on (date), and we look forward to seeing you at the occasion. Kindly stay beside us while we pray together for the bliss.
- With a heavy heart, we inform you that (ddeceased’sname) has left for a spiritual journey forever. We are inviting you for the 11th-Day death ceremony. Kindly join us for this auspicious event.
- We seek your blessings and support. Accept the invitation for the 11th-day death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname) as held on (date).
- Here is an invitation to attend the prayer meet and the 11th-day death ceremony.
- For the gyaravi ceremony or the 11th-day ceremony, we invite you to be present. Your presence means a lot.
- We held the grave ceremony for (ddeceased’sname) at our place on (date and time). We request you to be present there.
- Kindly join us for peace prayers at the grave ceremony of (ddeceased’sname). Since the 11th day is important, we request that you be beside us.
- Your presence will grace the event. We invite you to the 11th-day death ceremony of (ddeceased’sname).
10th Day Death Ceremony Invitation Message
The 10th day of the death ceremony is an important day for family members. There are a few rituals that the family members must perform. A few cultures also call relatives and guests home for the death ceremony rituals. If you plan to invite relatives to the 10th-day death ceremony, some sample messages here will help.
- (Deceased name) is on their spiritual journey out of this world. Please be present for the death ceremony of (the deceased on the 10th day after death.
- The soul is leaving this earth forever. We want to inform you that (the deceased left for a heavenly abode. We are planning for the 10th day-death ceremony. Kindly be present for prayers.
- For the 10th-day death ceremony, we invite you to (venue) on (date and time). Let’s praLet’sether for (deceased’deceased’set us perform rituals for the departed soul; we have selected the 10th-day death ceremony. It is an ideal day to pray for the soul’s peacsoul’sase be present.
- Your presence means a lot. Please be present for prayers on the 10th day during the death ceremony of (the deceased’s deceased). We have planned a prayer meeting on the 10th day of the death of (deceased d’s deceased’s). Please stay beside us for prayers and peace.
- Praying for the soul can impart solace to it. Let’s do that, the departed soul. Let’s come, Let’sher, for the 10th day-death ceremony.
- Since your presence is significant, we invite you to attend the prayer meeting for (the deceased’s 10th day of death.
- Death is the ultimate truth of life. Let’s get together, accept this fact, and pray for (the deceased’s presence means a lot. Together, we can demand peace for the soul.
16th-Day Death Ceremony Invitation in English
The 16th day death ceremony is important because it means the end of grief. With the support of friends and relatives, the family must start afresh and try to forget the grief. It’s important to invite friends and relatives to this event. The ceremony says that now the pain is about to end. You can check the details below to write invitation messages.
- (Deceased’s Deceased’s left this world on (date). We invite you and your family to be part of our prayer meeting. It is held on the 16th day of death.
- The soul has departed from this earth. Let’s pray Let’sher for peace and rest. Let’s meet. Let’s pray together.
- We invite you to (venue) for the 16th-day death ceremony. Please be present on (date and time) so we can pray together for the departed soul.
- With utmost regret, we invite you to the 16th-day death ceremony of (the deceased. We believe you will stand beside us while we pray for the soul.
- Let’s pray for eternal peace for the soul. Please be present at the 16th death ceremony of (the deceased deceased) to share our grief and sorrow. Let’s pray Let’ sher for the departed soul. We have arranged the 16th-day death ceremony of (the deceased’s deceased’s family of the deceased) and the 16th-day death ceremony on (date and time) at (venue). Please be present and pray for the soul.
- After grieving and mourning, it’s time for the 16th-day death ceremony. Please be present with us for prayers and peace.
- Let’s bid farewell to the departed soul and pray for its smooth journey.
- Please be present for the 16th-day death ceremony of (deceased name). We will bid farewell to the soul by praying to God.
WhatsApp Funeral Invitation
Arranging the funeral service and sending invitations—all these things take a toll on your life. But when a family member expires, you must go through this process. You have to arrange a funeral. It’s practice to WhatsApp your relatives and friends, inviting them to a Funeral. Sometimes, due to many things happening simultaneously, it becomes tough to figure out the right words to type the message. Here are some good examples that you can try.
- We inform you that (deceased people passed away on (date). We request that you join us for the last rituals.
- Please be part of our sorrow. We have a funeral or last ritual for (deceased name) and request you to participate.
- Please be present at the funeral of (deceased name) on (date and time) at (venue). Let’s pray Let’sher for the departing soul.
- We are arranging Funeral of (deceased name) on (date). Please be present at the event to pray for the lost soul.
- (Deceased name) has left for the heavenly abode. Let’s meet. Funeral and pray for the soul on (date and time).
- In the loving memory of (deceased name), who has left for a heavenly abode, we have arranged the funeral service. Please be part of the funeral arranged for (date).
- We look forward to your support for the funeral of (deceased name) arranged at (venue). Be part of this ceremony to bid farewell to the soul for the last time.
- Death has taken away (deceased name). We have to accept this fact with a heavy heart. Funeral is arranged at (venue) on (date and time).
- Knowing that we will never see this person again, the heart will not accept it. But we have to take this fact. Please be part of our sorrow and joy.
- Not having this person around forever would mean he has left us forever. Please attend the last ritual for this special person.
Burial Invitation Text Message
People who die never come back. This fact is very difficult to digest. The soul’s rest and the soul’s peace matter the most. When a person dies, family members arrange for burial rites. For that, they also call upon close relatives. A burial invitation text message is meant to be important. Here’s how. Here’s the same.
- Sadly, we inform you that (deceased name) is no longer with us. You must join us at (venue) on (date and time) for burial rites.
- I request you to join us for the burial ceremony of (deceased name), and I hope the soul finds solace and peace.
- Be part of the funeral service for (deceased name), and let us pray for him together. The soul is looking for solace and peace.
- With pain in our hearts, we invite you to join us for the burial rites of (deceased name). The soul will attain peace if we come together and pray.
- We are in deep sorrow. But we have to accept the fact of death. We invite you to join us for the funeral service and burial rites at (venue) on (date and time).
- The life that was full of laughter has embraced God and left for the heavenly abode. We request that you attend the burial service.
- Please be present at the burial service of (deceased name). We request you pray for the soul’s rest.
- Friends and family members- We invite you to be part of the burial service held for (deceased name). Life is now moving towards light. Let us pray for the soul.
- We hope you will attend the burial ceremony of (deceased name). The time, date, and venue are mentioned below.
- Let us meet for a gathering to remember the parting soul. You are invited to the burial service. Please join us at the venue.
Vaikunta Samaradhane Invitation
Vaikunta Samaradhane is also like the tervi. In Kannada, the 13th-day death ceremony is called Vaikunta Samaradhane. In many cultures in India, the thirteenth day is important after a person’s depersonalization, the time when family members pray together for the soul’s peace.
- We are grieving, but we must ask that you please attend the Vaikunta Samaradhane ceremony on (date and time) at (venue).
- Our loved one has left us and is being part of God’s world. Let us pray to God for the spirit’s solace and peace.
- Jospirit’samily for Vaikunta Samaradhane of (deceased name). We will get together and pray for the soul.
- We have arranged for Vaikunta Samaradhane to be at (venue) for (deceased name) to honor the parting soul. Please attend the ceremony.
- We invite you to the elegant death ceremony of (deceased name). Please get together at (venue) for Vaikunta Samaradhane to pray for the soul.
- Our beloved (deceased name) has left us, but he will always live in our memories. To respect and remember him, we have arranged Vaikunta Samaradhane on (date and time).
- We respectfully invite you to the Vaikunta Samaradhane of (deceased name). Be present to remember the soul.
- In loving memory of (deceased name), we have planned Vaikunta Samaradhane for the departing soul. Please stay present beside us for moral and emotional support.
- We all love and remember (deceased name), and to show our respect, we have planned the Vaikunta Samaradhane ceremony for (date and time) at (venue).
- Knowing how much we all loved him, Vaikunta Samaradhane will be a good way to show that we still do. Please grace the ceremony with your presence.
Funeral Invitation Messages
Invitations are an important part of any gatherings, occasions, or functions. Usually, invitations are used to make family members and friends aware of an auspicious moment. But sending an invitation to a death ceremony is a subject of grief and pain.
Death ceremony invitations are used to inform family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues about the unfortunate incident. Choosing the right words for such an invitation purpose is a tough job, as expressing grief is not an easy task.
Most people do not know how to write a death ceremony invitation message. Here are some examples of death ceremony invitation messages that can help you decide on the right and short messages.
- With a heavy heart, we inform you that ( Name) has left us and set out on a new journey last week. We truly believe that you will attend the funeral ceremony of the departed soul for your last goodbye.
- We remember that ( Name) always considered you a family member and was used to praising you. Now, when he is not with us, we look for the presence of all the people he loves. Please come for the last rituals and satisfy his soul.
- The physical appearance of a loving person can leave us, but ( name) will always be alive in our hearts. The family is organizing a funeral ceremony. We trust you will join us in mourning our loss.
- Accepting that (name) is not with us now is unbelievable. We are informing you with great sorrow that a funeral will be held at our residence. Join us in bidding her a last goodbye.
- It feels like life is very short and unpredictable. (Name) left us too soon. We wish we could live with him forever. However, we believe that he cherished every bit of his life. We are holding a ceremony to wave goodbye to him for the last time. We will be grateful if you come and join us in this tough time.
- (Name) was a warrior. She fought till her last breath to survive, but unfortunately, she lost her final battle. We hope you will join us in paying respect to her soul and journey. May she attain peace.
- I want to invite you to the funeral ceremony of our beloved (Name). I believe you will join all of us in paying respect to the deceased soul.
- Life is a journey. Everyone who started it has to go when it gets completed. (Name) cherished every single moment of this journey. We are arranging a funeral ceremony for him. I hope you will certainly come and join us.
- Death is uncertain, but the time of this life journey is certain. After the completion of the journey, everyone will have to return to the heavenly abode. The family is organizing a funeral ceremony to wave the last goodbye to him. We expect you will come to offer the previous set of prayers and respect. May the deceased soul find eternal peace there.
- (Name) lived her life to the fullest. She has completed a beautiful journey. We remember the smiles and laughs that she left in our hearts. We are holding a ceremony to pay her love and respect at our residence. May she rest in peace.
- (Name) left us today in the morning. He was a man who everyone loved. In his absence, everyone he praised and loved will be there to remember his good works. Please come for the funeral ceremony. We are making arrangements at (name of the hall) hall.
- One who has lived so beautifully has to be remembered in the same beautiful way. Her journey ended yesterday but will always be alive in our hearts and memories. A small funeral is organized at the residence. We expect you to come and join the entire family in remembering her.
- With deep sorrow, we inform you that our beloved (Name) is no longer. We are unable to accept this unfortunate incident. A memorial service is arranged at (name of the hall) hall. Please come and give us the strength to take it.
- With great sorrow, we are sad to announce that (name)died peacefully on (date). We appreciate the sympathy messages and condolences that we’ve received from you. It was very moving. (Funeral will be held at (‘location), on(date), at(time). A graveside service and reception will follow immediately after the last rites are performed.
- (Name) fought a heroic fight till the last moment. He always inspired us to live life to the fullest. It is making us numb while announcing that he is no longer with us. A small funeral is held for all loving close admirers of his at our home. Please come and pay regards to the departed soul.
- The song has ended, but the melody will always reside in our hearts. (Name) always celebrated his life. On his demise, we are arranging a funeral ceremony on (date) at our home. Your sincere presence will please and satisfy his soul.
- With a sorrowful heart, we are informing you that (name) left us and set out on a new beginning. The demise leaves a heartache that no one can heal, but the presence of loved ones makes it less painful. We wish that everyone come to our home and offer the departed soul a last set of prayers.
- Death is an unavoidable path. Everyone has to take it. (Name) took that path last night. A sincere funeral offering service is held at (name the hall). Please come to the funeral ceremony and join us in remembering the cherishing moments of his entire life.
- We feel immense grief to make you aware that our piece of heart (name) is no longer with us. She took her last breath yesterday. I remember she always treated you like her own child. We are going to arrange a memorial ceremony for her remembrance. You are expected to be there.
- (Name) It is a gem. He touched the hearts of every person who came into his contact. We wish that we could whisper how much we all miss him. To respect the soul, we are holding a funeral ceremony at our residence. Please come and join in mourning the unbearable loss.
- ( Name) was a celebration of life. After her demise, we all honor her journey through a funeral and memorial service at (name) hall on(date). We will be grateful for your presence.
- In the loving memory of our beloved (name), the family is arranging a memorial service. The family wishes for the presence of every close person at the funeral ceremony, which will be held on (date) in (name) hall.
- The family of [name] cordially invites you to join in celebrating her life on [date] at [time]. Please bring your thoughts, prayers, and fondest memories of [name]. We all are seeking the blessings of his soul.
- (Name )was very close to our hearts. He left us alone in this materialistic world. A memorial service to celebrate the life of [name] on [day ], [date] at [time].
Pedda Karma Invitation in English
Pedda Karma’s invitation will contain Karma’s information about the person’s sad demise and the person’s ceremony. Holding the Pedda Karma ceremony is a good way to know if your friends and relatives support you. To invite family, relatives, friends, or someone, you can send these messages: Below, we have provided 10 message formats you can choose and frame according to your needs and wants.
- (Deceased’s name) has parted Deceased’sly abode. We request that you be part of the Pedda Karma ceremony held on (date and time).
- For the Pedda Karma ceremony of (deceased’s name), you are indeceased. The venue is on (date and time).
- Sadly, we can’t fight death. To pray for the souls of those who for cadepartsoul, we plan to hold the Pedda Karma ceremony on (date and time) at (venue). Your presence is significant for us.
- We look forward to seeing you at the Pedda Karma ceremony of (deceased’s name). Please stay deceased while we pray to God for peace.
- As family members, holding a Pedda Karma ceremony for the departed soul.
- Pedda Karma is an important ceremony, and we are holding it for the departed soul. Please join us for prayers.
- As we pray for the departed soul, holding the Pedda Karma ceremony will make us feel fulfilled as we follow all the rituals as they should. Be present to bless us and pray for the departed soul.
- The departed soul has left us forever. We must pray for peace of the soul. For that, we have held a Pedda Karma ceremony. Kindly stay with us at that moment.
These messages will make it easy for you while you frame them in words. Sending death ceremony invitation messages or tribute messages are needed before the ceremony.
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